Consultant in Communication

The Steps Of Change
The Steps of Change is based on the findings of 60 years of Diffusion research on how people change.
The Steps of Change
The Steps of Change is a conceptual tool All One Communication has created to help communication planners do audience analysis. The Steps of Change helps planners make sense of audience research findings, place their audiences accurately along a continuum of change, formulate realistic communication objectives for them, develop effective messages and choose the best channels. The Steps of Change is built on the findings of Diffusion theorists and other researchers, making it easy for planners to see their particular change problem in a universal context.

The Steps of Change have been used to develop communication strategies by national teams in over 40 nations. It takes practice to learn to use The Steps of Change well and easily, but most of our clients say they find this the single most useful communication planning tool they have learned.

Have a look at a copy of the Steps of Change, here:
Have questions about the Steps of Change? Let us know in the contact form.